Weekly Social Dances

Social dances start immediately after the drop-in beginner lessons.


Friday Nights,

7:00pm - 8:00pm: Beginner Lesson

8:00pm - 10:30pm: Social Dance, right after our 7pm Lindy lesson for new dancers.
(10:00-10:30pm we play DJ blues and slow jazz music!)


Price $10 Regular / $9 Student / $8 Member / $7 Student Member
** Price includes drop-in lessons and entry into the social dance
** Pay at the door! We accept cash, debit and credit.


Kelson Hall Centre for Arts & Education, 330 St Paul St, Kamloops, BC V2C 5R8

Attention! March 21 & 28th we will be at the Bridgeview Theatre instead,

106b Tranquille rd.

(Parking on Larkspur st.)


What happens at a social dance?

Every dance starts with a 60-minute beginner level lesson. It’s an easy way to learn the dance or brush up on your skills, and to meet current and new members of our community! We welcome those with 2 left feet and no clue how to dance as well as those who already know and love dancing. No partner or dance experience is required to come try out a social dance.

After the lesson, it’s time for the social dancing! Our DJs play both classic and modern swing music and the floor is open for everyone to ask (or be asked) to dance. In the last half hour of the dance, when we’re all tired, we play nice slow blues/jazz songs for slower dancing (for example, blues dancing!).

Our dance community is incredibly friendly and inclusive, and we want everyone to be able to enjoy swing social dancing and jazz music, free of judgement, and regardless of their level of experience. We encourage dancers to learn whichever role - lead or follow - they are most comfortable with, regardless of traditional gender roles. Many of our regular members both lead and follow, and are always happy to dance with new dancers!

Social Dance Culture

We stress that dancers always have the right to say no. It’s not rude! Maybe you’re not feeling a song, maybe you’re tired, maybe you’ve already promised a dance to someone else - whatever the reason, you don’t have to explain. It’s enough just to say no. On the flip side, if someone says no, don’t take it personally! There will be lots of other people around ready to dance. We want to foster a positive social dancing culture in which everyone in the community is valued and is comfortable.

While our society teaches a certain style of swing dancing with specific steps and moves, we believe that there is no “right way” to dance. Lindy Hop is a vernacular jazz dance, meaning it grew out of people listening and moving to music that they loved, and then learning from and sharing those moves with other dancers, changing and growing the dance together until it became the one we know and love today. We keep this spirit of play and creativity alive in our scene by encouraging everyone to have fun with their dancing.

What should I wear?

  • You can dress formally, informally, casually, semi-casually, or whatever you are comfortable in.

  • Swing dancing is high-energy so make sure you wear suitable shoes and clothes for this.

  • Some dances have a special theme (e.g., halloween). Keep your eye out for these!

Food & Alcohol Policy

  • We do not allow alcohol to be served or brought to the dances

  • You are welcome to bring your own snacks

  • We highly recommend you bring a water bottle.

Covid-19 safety guidelines

Following the BC covid-19 safety guidelines, we are not requiring a mask or proof of vaccination. However, we do support anyone who wants to wear a mask and we encourage everyone to respect the choice of others